Real-Time Retail Intelligence: why AI means nothing without the data to build it on

Real-Time Retail Intelligence: why AI means nothing without the data to build it on

Thursday, 03 October 2024

08:15  to  10:30 Europe, London


St James's Hotel & Club
7-8 Park Place
St. James's
United Kingdom

INDUSTRIES: Consumer Goods, Retail

EVENT TYPE: Club Breakfast


Delivering seamless omnichannel commerce experiences is now a requisite rather than a dream for today’s retailer. But the explosion of AI offerings promising to help you on your way to achieving it can be overwhelming.

Breaking it down though, any new retail tech transformation initiative will founder if it isn’t built on a solid foundation of unified, coherent data that can inform decisions, drive intelligent merchandising, orchestrate supply/order management and provide genuinely seamless experiences.

It’s a lot…so, how is it done?


Join us to exchange opinions and ideas with retail and CPG leaders approaching shared challenges.

We offer you valuable information, insights, a moderated discussion and new connections.

With perspective from SAP.


08:15 – 09:00 – Arrival & Buffet Breakfast

Meet your peers and get to know each other over breakfast

09:00 – 10:15 – Discussion

Introduction, roundtable discussions, roundtable feedback sharing and open dialogue between brands.

10:15 – 10:45 – Further Refreshments & Networking

Conversations can continue over coffee

10:45 – 11:00 – Carriages

The morning concludes


St James's Hotel & Club

7-8 Park Place

London SW1A 1LS